Why is it beneficial to use a Chlorinator for my pool?

eco chlor salt water chlorinator salt water chlorinator crystal clear grande
There are many great benefits that come with owning your own swimming pool, however, the biggest question is whether to have a chlorinator or not. If the chlorine didn’t do a good job of keeping swimming pools in good conditions than it would be safe to say that nobody would keep it in their homes. Chlorine is not only hazardous to handle and store, but it can also easily irritate the skin and eyes of pool users. Hence, many current and future pool owners have been looking into readily available chlorine alternatives that are on the market. Are you trying to decide whether or not you should go for a chlorinator? Take a look at these benefits below: It is gentle on the skin and eyes of pool users. Chlorine levels are significantly lower when using a salt generator, meaning sensitive pool owners are typically free from irritation when swimming in a salt water pool. Salt water systems are safer than chlorinated pools. Chlorine is a dangerous substance to transport and store. When salt water pools are maintained correctly, there will be no need for harsh algaecides. You experience the ‘soft water’ feel. Salt water feels much more silky and smooth to the touch, similar to rainwater, whereas chlorine leaves an abrasive feeling to pool water. Salt water systems require don’t require as much maintenance. The maintenance procedure is more ‘hands off’ with salt water, as the salt will produce chlorine as needed. That being so, you will still need to monitor chlorine levels to ensure your system is working fine. There is no need to drain your pool of the water to convert it to a salt water system. Salt water systems offer the most natural feeling water to swim in, without the overbearing use of harsh chemicals. Are you ready to make the change over to a chlorinator? Great! Get in touch with a us simply send us a whatsapp on 064 534 4691 and let’s help you make the best of your swimming pool. Is a saltwater pool really a saltwater pool? You hear it often: “We have a saltwater pool that doesn’t use chlorine.” But is a saltwater pool really chlorine-free? The answer is no. Here’s why: Saltwater pools use a chlorine generator (also called a saltwater chlorinator or salt system) that creates chlorine from salt. As saltwater travels through the pool’s circulation system, it enters the chlorine generator and low-voltage current is applied to initiate electrolysis. By introducing electrolysis to the dissolved salt in the water, hypochlorous acid, more commonly known as swimming pool chlorine, is produced. The hypochlorous acid sanitizes the swimming pool water, and eventually reverts back to dissolved salt in the water, and the process repeats as the saltwater passes through the chlorine generator again. The reality is, a salt pool uses the same chlorine as a traditional pool, it just produces it poolside through a different process without any of the additives used to preserve store-bought, packaged chlorine. Then why have a saltwater pool? The primary difference associated with using saltwater chlorination versus manually adding chlorine that’s most noticeable to the average pool owner, is smell. That “chlorine smell,” along with eye and skin irritations typically associated with chlorine, is actually created by sanitation by-products called chloramines. Chloramines are essentially bacteria or organic particles (dander, pollen, sweat, etc.) that have been killed by chlorine, but are only partially oxidized. So what you actually smell are the chloramines, which in essence are half-destroyed organic material. When you catch wind of that tell-tale smell, it means there wasn’t enough free-chlorine available to completely destroy the organic material in the pool to its basic biological building block (e.g., carbon) to be collected in your filter. To make this clearer, let’s use an analogy: I have a tree in my yard I want to remove. I can kill the tree by cutting it down, which is essentially equivalent to sanitation, when microorganisms in the pool water are killed. While the tree will soon die, after some time, if left to sit there, like any organic material, it will begin to rot and decay, and likely smell. To quickly “oxidize” the tree, I chop it into smaller pieces, and put those pieces in a fireplace – burning it, and reducing it to ash. The sanitation/oxidation process has reduced a tree, which weighed several tons, into a few pounds of ash. This is essentially what we do with chlorine and microorganisms in the pool, and this is also why the gunk in your pool filter typically looks like ash. The reason a “salt” pool feels, smells, and generally provides a more pleasant experience, is because, when working properly, the saltwater system is generating enough chlorine to completely finish the process and fully oxidize any organic material that enters the pool automatically every day, with minimal pool owner intervention. The main benefit of using a salt system for your pool are that pool owners don’t have to buy, lug, or measure chlorine for pool use, or worry about spilling and storing it safely around kids and pets. Other benefits include long-term cost reduction, and consistent sanitization delivery. Next time, someone says his or her pool is a “saltwater pool,” you’ll have the facts and peace of mind knowing that you are swimming in clean, safe water. Installing a salt water chlorinator is a great choice for a new pool or for retrofitting an existing system. Traditionally, chlorine levels were maintained by testing the water manually then directly adding chlorine to the pool in liquid, granular or tablet form. Salt water chlorination systems from manufacturers like Zodiac are a far superior choice and much easier to maintain. But many prospective buyers ask, “How does salt water chlorination work?” Here’s the answer. A salt water chlorination system works by a process that uses dissolved salt in the pool water to generate chlorine through electrolysis. The chemical reaction produces HCIO (hypochlorous acid) and NaClO (sodium hypochlorite) which disinfects and sanitizes the water. Saltwater swimming pools are not in fact “chlorine free” but simply generate their own chlorine through the electrolysis system. The advantages of a salt water chlorination system are numerous. First, the system is self-regulated, meaning the equipment constantly tests the water and levels are increased or decreased as required. This assures the pool stays at its optimal chlorination level and stays clear, clean and resists algae build-up. Some systems will also test and regulate pH levels. The other significant advantage is the elimination of skin and eye irritation found in traditionally chlorinated pools. This is because the electrolysis process burns off chloramines which are responsible for the irritation, as well as the unpleasant chlorine smell. This makes for a much more enjoyable experience for both swimmers and those lounging around the pool area. The system is also great for those with respiratory problems that can be aggravated by the chlorine odour. A few other benefits: The bleaching effect on hair and clothes is eliminated (and no more green tinge for blond haired swimmers). Plus the salt iodine in the water benefits sun tanning! And that bad taste and smell that clings to your skin is gone. While your pool will be “saltwater” it is nowhere near as salty as the ocean (seawater is about 35,000 ppm dissolved salts vs. about 5,000 ppm for a pool). From a technology standpoint, salt water chlorination a system of titanium plates coated with transition metal from the platinum group (such as iridium or ruthenium). The electrolysis and resulting chemical reaction with the water’s dissolved salts is what produces the hypochlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite which work to sanitize the pool. To maintain the proper water salinity, pool salt is simply poured into the pool’s shallow end and brushed gently until the majority of it is dissolved. The pool’s chemical balance must still be tested on occasion to ensure proper chemical balance so the chlorine is being utilized effectively. Testing the water’s cyanuric acid level is important because it helps to stop UV rays from destroying the chlorine. The pH level of the water is also important to maintain. Like low levels of cyanuric acid, a low pH level (high acidity) makes the chlorine less effective. So if you’d like to worry less about your pool’s chemicals and focus more on enjoying the water, you might explore adding a CRYSTAL CLEAR SELF CLEANING chlorination system. The upfront cost is more than made up for by the long-term savings. The self-regulating system makes it worry free and you’ll get a fresher, less caustic swimming experience. The advantages to switching to salt over chlorine are numerous: Salt-water swimming pools are a popular and natural alternative to the traditional chlorine often found in swimming pools in South Africa homes. Salt water is considered a more effective method of having a crystal clear pool, and also reduces the use and storage of dangerous chemicals in the house. The only issue with salt chlorinators is that they have a tendency to build up calcium within the cell and require cleaning. This requires further use of dangerous chemicals to clean the unit. Quite often the cleaning comes too late and the salt cells will require replacement if the pool water quality is to be maintained. These replacement cells are the most expensive part of the unit and will cost a great deal to replace. The ideal solution is to invest in a self-cleaning salt chlorinator for the home swimming pool. These units can easily attach to a pool system’s existing piping after the pump and filter. A control unit can be attached to a nearby wall for ease of use. The advantages to a self-cleaning unit is that in most situations, the calcium and other heavy metals that are in water will not build up in the salt chlorinator unit. This greatly reduces the effort and chemicals required to maintain a home pool, which in turn increases the available time to actually enjoy the pool. The Advantages of Salt Water Chlorinators: – No more sore eyes from spending too much time in the pool – Far less chemicals required in the house – Say goodbye to the intense smell and taste of chlorine – On-going maintenance is cheaper and easier – Take advantage of the natural anti-septic qualities of salt water

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